Saying goodbye to a dear friend is never easy.
When you give in memory of a loved one, you celebrate and remember their life and make a difference for the thousands of homeless and vulnerable animals who need the Ottawa Humane Society each year. If you donate online, you can specify that the gift is in memory of a beloved person or pet.
If you would like a card sent by mail instead, please call 613-725-3166 ext. 299 to make your gift in memory.
Create a page for your forever friend
To memorialize your loved one, you can create a page to accept donations in their honour to save homeless and vulnerable animals.
Click on the 'Create a My Forever Friend' page button to get started. You will be able to load up pictures, stories and requests for donations.
We will let you know when someone honours your loved one's memory and will send the donor a letter to say thank you.
All memorial donations go directly to helping Ottawa’s homeless animals.
Need help coping with the loss of a pet?
Saying goodbye is never easy. Many people suffer when they lose a pet and may struggle with the grieving process. Below are some resources that can help you on your path to healing.
- Pet Loss Support Groups of Ottawa
- Explaining Pet Death to Children
- Grieving the Loss of a Pet (pdf pamphlet)